Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Career Chic, Anyone?

Word on the street (the street being Facebook obviously) is that the Career Fair is happening tomorrow in Benson. For those of us in the job hunt, this is one place where you definitely don't want to show up in jeans and a tee. Check out this chic outfit we found for you to wear tomorrow.

Run over to Target and pick up this dress ASAP. Someone sent it in to Chic Deac last week (fashion tips always appreciated - chicdeacstyle@gmail.com) and we LOVE this look. It's affordable, but no one will know that you bought it at Target.

Secondly, take a look at these Madden Girl pumps. They're simple, but the patent leather gives them enough flair to put a special bounce in your step. For only $50, these will last you a while. And on top of it, they ship overnight for FREE. As in, have them in your campus box tomorrow morning.
See you there tomorrow!

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